Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Going Back To The Well Of 'Biden Be Pooping Himself' Jokes, Eh?

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Maho Sentai Magiranger.

A reminder that these jokes started because four years ago Muir swallowed a ridiculous theory about how Biden was on a drug that made him lose bowel control to explain why after insisting why he was going to humiliate himself at the debates, he didn't. Something I'm not even sure Muir remembers.


  1. I belong to a Facebook group (on the rare occasion I even go there anymore) called "Conservatives getting angry at shit they made up themselves".
    That's pretty much the modern American right summed up in a single statement.

    Sometimes it's anger, sometimes (like here) it's sneering ridicule, sometimes it's breathless, flop-sweat hysteria. But it's always in response to things they made up in their own heads, and then just believed.

    1. Muir embodies a Right that spends its time screaming about imaginary problems and crowing about imaginary victories.
