Thursday, December 13, 2018

"Ha Ha! Death Copters Are Funny!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because mmm-hmmm-hmmm.

At this point, Muir's antifa goons are resembling the mooks in a bad '90s sidescroller arcade game in their stupid determination to attack.

Only less effective.


  1. Like every other right winger, Muir knows nothing about Antifa and doesn’t believe he needs to. One doesn’t have to support them to observe this obvious fact.

    1. He knows that they wear black, and that they're left-wing thugs, unlike the proud, patriotic right-wing thugs he supports.

  2. The fact that he depicts them as somehow caring enough about this isolated compound and the eccentric freaks living on it to go all the way out there and...yell stuff, is perhaps the ultimate manifestation of how paranoid the man has become.

    1. To be fair, the compound is pretty awful and would be seeing protests and legal action against it.

      The problem of course, is that Muir seems to have no idea how terrible he's made them.
