Saturday, December 1, 2018

"Them Migrants Takin' Our Precious Oxygen!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because Jeanie needs a shooter.


It really is astonishing how quickly the compound went back to being "the besieged last outpost of the West" when you think about it.  A few months after Trump's win, and they were already quaking in fear over the dusky hordes once again.


  1. If one was to go by Muir's characters and the reality they currently inhabit, you'd get the impression that he never leaves the house because there's too many of "them" out there.

    Interestingly, Zack Rawsthorne of the now-defunct right-wing webcomic "Diversity Lane" really did live on an isolated compound, according to his author bio, at least. He wasn't exactly coy about his reasons, either.

    1. Personally, I suspect that Muir "doesn't leave the house" in any way that matters. He sees what he wants to see when he's "out" and any pesky facts that might contradict with his fantasy world get sent to the cornfield.
