Sunday, April 7, 2019

Another Effortless Triumph Against The Untermenschen.

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because juggling.

Well, that plotline stopped almost as quickly as it began.

Makes you wonder if Muir got bored, or had something else he wanted to check out.  Guess we'll see tomorrow.

And probably wish we didn't.


  1. Another instance where I had to read the thing three times before I understood what was even happening or who was saying what.
    Great Ceasar's tapdancing ghost, is he bad at staging.

    The whole "small town sheriff who understands the wisdom of reg'lar folks" trope is so, so gross at this point.

    1. Yep. It's a confusing mess that when you decipher it, becomes a repugnant screed.

      Which is DbD in a nutshell.

  2. (And yes, I know he's border patrol and not a sheriff. In DBD land, as long as you have a southern accent and are down with the reg'lar folks, your actual authority position is basically interchangeable.)

    1. I mean, he's the classic "small town sheriff" character, only he runs Border Patrol, and Muir doesn't realize that it doesn't work like that because he never tries to understand anything.
