Tuesday, April 16, 2019

When At First You Fail At Humanity, Fail, Fail, Fail Again.

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because I mean, first game, he's at it.  "We're fighting the Emperor! No, wait, the real bad guy is... um, Dark Fals?  What?"




I'll take 'Doubling Down' for $600, Alex.


  1. I really have to wonder how much worse Muir is going to get.

    Whatever the answer is, it's the same one for the question of how much worse the American right as a whole is going to get.

    As for the question of whether I'm frightened?
    Yes. Yes I am.

    1. It's worth noting that some of his damn fans seem to be politely clearing their throats and suggesting that this is a mite racist. In rabid right-winger, admittedly, but still...

    2. Reading this particular comment thread leaves me with an addendum to my usual awe at how unmoored from reality these people are, which is that these people are very, very confused.

      Their entire worldview is constructed from a mixed-up mishmash of misdirection and madness, like those signs in old cartoons with arrows pointing in every direction at once.

    3. Oh, I know. It's a blend of so many different strands of reaction and authoritarianism they contradict themselves constantly. Sometimes in a sentence.
