Tuesday, April 30, 2019

"They Are So Mean To Him!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because and in his hurry to carry the news, he bent his breast and ran, and when he came to the broad millstream, he took off his shoes and he swam.

 As usual, Muir depicts his "good guys" as whiny wimps while imagining he's depicting them as tough guys.  And is surprise that a terrible president gets a lot of bad news stories, who'd a thunk it?

1 comment:

  1. There was a time when Muir's "panel one pronouncements," as I call them, would prompt me to quickly look them up on the Google machine, wondering what I would encounter that would challenge my preconceptions.

    I usually don't even bother anymore. Muir's version of reality is 99% guaranteed to be so distorted beyond recognition. Whatever Tapper actually said, or whatever law is actually being proposed, I guarantee that it isn't even CLOSE to what Muir has Trump claiming it is.
