Monday, April 22, 2019

"I Mean, Is It Fair For Them To Arrest Mafia Dons For Doing THEIR Jobs?"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because a holiday, a holiday, and the first one of the year. 

"Arrested for doing his job".  That he volunteered for, and that is illegal.  

But yeah, good to see that the hellspawn are becoming good little indoctrinated "national anarchists".


  1. The girls could still be saved at this tender stage. But nobody's going to save them.

    1. Well, no, because they're fictional characters in a fictional universe that rewards their parents and paints this indoctrination as a good thing.

      Sometimes, I like to imagine a DbD story where it's revealed that the entire strip is a hallucination of Zed, who is just an insane former office worker who's inventing a fantasy life for himself...

  2. I could easily make that happen. =)
