Saturday, April 20, 2019

Well. Not The WWII Fascist Apologism I Was Quite Expecting, But...

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because now that fourth game also adds a lot to Dark Force's lore, explaining what the hell we've been fighting in the last three games and introducing the Eldritch Horror Behind the Eldritch Horror.  It does a pretty good job, actually.




That declaration from Muir that the Third Reich wasn't so bad seems to be coming closer and closer...


  1. this is where we're starting to go, is it....?....

    Yes, China's Party leadership cynically exploits and propagandizes Japan's wartime atrocities for political advantage when it suits them. Everyone knows that and it's super gross.
    Is characterizing these atrocities as "exaggerated" really the plot of land you want to claim, Muir?
