Sunday, December 3, 2023

She's Saying The Sheriff Is Getting Nearer.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because General Ludd.


The extent to which this strip's politics have morphed from a traditional Right Wing Racism that special-pleaded like crazy to the present naked white supremacism is... well, a thing.


  1. It's a thing, all right. He doesn't go into this territory very often, but when he does, there's no longer any ambiguity or plausible deniability. It is what it is.
    Though he'd still deny it if called on it, of course, and I suspect he'd actually believe his own words.
    In late 2016 or early 2017, before I got blocked from the Peanut Gallery, I posted this link there. Just on the vanishingly small scintilla of a chance that MAYBE he would skim it and at least engage with anything it was actually saying.

    He did not, of course. He deleted it immediately.

    The sheer extent to which he has forbidden himself to read or hear a single word firsthand from any of those he has decided are his enemies is amazing.

    1. Reading or hearing anything from those he has decided are his enemies would remind him they are humans with a different perspective and not caricatures, and then the artifice he has built up for himself falls apart.

      He does sort of try to defend his point of view in the peanut gallery, by saying that he is talking about "groups, not individuals." Why yes, you are stereotyping entire groups of people. That is exactly the problem.

    2. The Peanut Gallery actually gets interesting at moments like this. Most of them will start equivocating and getting into nuances they usually avoid, or splitting hairs they normally don't care to split.

      What it shows is that as horrible as they are (which is very, very horrible), they are not Stormfront material. They have not gone that far off the edge.

      What a low bar, though.
