Wednesday, March 1, 2023

He Immediately Realizes There Is No Answer To This Wily Strategem.

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because it's a new brand!

Simple acceptance of all this nonsense. That gun control measures are the REAL cause of gun deaths. That Gunpowder's laws could somehow enforce this idiotic dictate. That Sam's got the upper hand here. Because Muir knows he's always right and knows that his foes knows it too. And so he never writes any ambiguity on the results or the premises.

Even when he swaps them around suddenly.


  1. And because this strawman version of Beto is, for some reason, obsessed with going to Gunpowder and protesting them...when the elegant real-life solution to this non-issue is just avoiding this miserable backwater town and missing out on exactly nothing.

    1. Yup. Everyone is simultaneously obsessed with Muir's idiotic protagonists, and yet unable to deal with them, despite it being pretty easy to do.

  2. I don't write a political comic for several reasons. But if I did, it would be a challenge to not have all the villains act and sound similar to each other. That's a trap that I often see in political satires, even good ones.
    That said, I know one trap I definitely wouldn't fall into, and that's Muir's penchant for depicting his villains as hapless, simpering weaklings who fold like lawn chairs when even slightly challenged.
    Why? Because I know that that is not what the right wing is in real life, and depicting them that way would not be making any kind of tangible, honest statement (other than twisted wish fulfillment).

    1. Right. But that is because you are in touch with reality, including the reality of the political struggle in our society. Muir, at this point, has retreated so far into his bubble that he has lost all touch, and I'm betting he believes his portrayal of left-leaning "villains" is actually accurate.

    2. As I've noted before, Muir's stuff doesn't even work as a cruel caricature, because every Democrat and figure to the left of Muir is same dithering idiot unable to handle the cast. It's dull, and rather pathetic.

    3. In Mallard Fillmore, every Democrat and "liberal" is basically the same goofy, cheerfully arrogant doofus. It's a matter of picking your poison, though --- Tinsley, while layers of magnitude less malevolent and toxic than Muir, is nonetheless much more of a dyed-in-the-wool hack. Muir, at the very least, is an original. I'll say that for him.
