Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Barbecue Is The Only Distinct Character Trait He Has, And Damn It, He Sticks With It.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because now in the street there is violence.

...Well, the plotline seems to be taking a breather, and so is giving us the merely bad for a day, doubtless in preparation to dive back into awful in the near future.


  1. Oh yeah, there THAT is. Muir occasionally takes a break from making the twins sound like 1930s comic-strip preteens to give them totally forced-sounding southern accents that appear and disappear at random.

    Ah do declayah.

    1. He struggles mightily to give characters distinct voices. And also, character. Note that I call El Dorado Dad and Samurai Mom that because they resemble the Superfriends ethnic superheroes tendency to drop foreign words in their speech to signify their status.
