Sunday, August 6, 2023

Yes, Yet More Proof Of How Awesome Captain Mitty Is. REALLY!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because there goes my hero.

Yep, this isn't Muir demonstrating the essentially impotent whinging nature of the strip these days acting out pathetic revenge fantasies that can only go so far, because in the end, he can't just change who's the President. Nor is it another demonstration of the laughable, childish wish fulfillment of these scenarios, which are those of a twelve-year old boy, being written by an old man. No, it is all totally badass. Really. *snerk*


  1. The last time Muir asserted as casual fact that Biden was incontinent (you might recall that you had to fill me in on where that was even coming from), he at least refrained from wording it in the manner of a kindergartner.
    Welp. Even that low bar can't be bothered with, today.

  2. I'm just going to put out there that if my boobs were behaving the way Sam's are in this strip, I would be highly alarmed and scheduling an appointment with my doctor ASAP.

    1. You mean how the right one seems to be trying to fly away while the left is trying to jump down and run off?
      Yeah, I could see how that might be medically concerning.

      But that's still not as bad as the other week when Mari (or Kiko?)'s boobs were somehow both protruding from the same side of her torso.

    2. It's the arm in the last one, that is apparently sprouting just below her throat that really hits the nightmare territory.

    3. Yeah, I was mainly thinking of the fourth panel, where her left breast is wandering down her chest.

      However, now that John has pointed out the "arm sprouting out of her neck" thing, I really can't unsee that....
