Sunday, August 20, 2023

He Also Cleverly Realized That There Was A Fringe On The Flag!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because along came Bronson.

Leaving aside the obvious argle-bargle pseudo-law of Captain Mitty's arguments, let's note that Muir is having his white character torment a Black enemy that he sees as unworthy to hold her position with threats, while pretending to be a ghost.

Not that Muir supports the Klan, of course.


  1. Thank you for pointing that out, because this strip is sooo creepy. To have an old white guy show up in this Black woman's home at night while rattling chains and talking about "American justice past"...yikes.

    1. As I've noted tons of times, Muir loves to compare Democrats and the American Left to Nazis and the Klan (or insist they've always been the same thing) while lauding actions that resemble the actions of both. About the only reason he and the Peanut Gallery hate both is a long history of hearing those are the bad guys.
