Monday, August 28, 2023

Rule Of Law! The Sign Of Tyranny!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because here, no further.

How dare they make people pay the consequences for plotting right wing coups! Don't they know that the law only protects and does not bind the fash?


  1. I will never, ever stop being astonished at the Peanut Gallery constantly describing what they think are Democrats or their voters, when they are literally--- LIT-ER-ALL-Y----describing the very people they worship.

    "Their mutual backbiting and accusing each other of being the reason for their downfall would quickly descend into violence."

    "The thing about corruption at that level is that once you have undeniable proof against one, or they think you do, then they’ll turn on the others in an eyeblink for a deal like the resident’s kid was supposed to get."

    I just can't process mental acrobatics like these. We are, at this moment, hearing all kinds of reporting and legal speculation about which among the 19 Georgia defendants are likely to turn on Trump and/or each other to get reduced sentences, and these reprobates are wanking each other with THIS shit. As if the Biden administration and the news media are the ones under indictment. It's incredible.

    Also, there's this. Because misogyny, sniggering pretend-ignorance about education PHd's, and badly disguised wank fantasy:

    "Speaking of pay per view- – – – -how about a cage match between “Doctor” Jill and Camel Toe- – – – -the loser has to fellate Pedo Joe! That would be a sneaky way to pay off the national debt!"

    You'd totally get off on seeing that, wouldn't you, you wretched, disgusting, abhorrent, monstrous....!!...

    Jesus christ above, I hate these horrible people so much.

    1. Yeah, that one got me disgusting. And yes, they are totally projecting their own sick fantasies. I also noted the "Doctor" in quotation marks...sigh...of course.

    2. As I keep noting, their great proof of fascism is a fascist coup failing and those that participated in it facing punishment. It's all projection.
