Wednesday, November 8, 2023

I Remain In The Weeds On The Robots.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ophelia.

I swear, the robots just get more ridiculous every year and a flashing neon sign that shows just how badly this strip has lost what little cohesion it had.


  1. Can I just reiterate my appreciation for you and this blog?
    There are only two other people on the internet I've been able to find who comment on Day By Day, but both have been inactive for a while. One guy stopped updating for unknown reasons, and the other guy flat-out said that Tumblr's then-imminent ban on explicit imagery would probably make it impossible to comment on DBD from that point forward, so he called it quits.

    1. Foolish persistence is one of my handful of virtues.

      But really, there's a dark fascination for me at this point. Muir is often the American Right's Id given form, a ball of negative impulses and flaws shouting about how very clever and good it is.

    2. Same for me, which is why I continue following DBD despite my many promises to myself to quit (especially at particularly disgusting moments). I feel like this comic (and reading the peanut gallery) gives me insight into that darkest base of hardcore MAGA followers and how they see the country. It certainly isn't cheerful, but I'd rather be aware that there is a group of people sharing the nation with me who feel this way than not know and be taken by surprise.

    3. In my view, DBD and its readers represent a particular segment of red America that the rest of us largely overlook. We tend to dismissively think of magats as either dumb-as-bricks yahoos, fanatical activists, utterly incurious passive habit voters, or calculating, cynical grifters. But the Peanut Gallery is filled with people who very much do not fit any of those molds. Although our proprietor disagrees with my view of them, to me they represent a far scarier type --- people who are educated, articulate and historically literate, who also happen to be batshit insane.

      These aren't the clowns attending Trump rallies, low-hanging fruit whom are easy to make fun of. These are people who possess the mental acumen to know better than all this, but have nonetheless succumbed to severe delusion and deranged hyper-paranoia, which enables them to believe the most insane things are happening.

      Their type frightens me a lot more than the drooling idiots wearing tacky Trump gear.

    4. As I keep saying, you're overestimating them. These ARE the drooling idiots wearing tacky Trump gear, or some of them, and that stuff they're spouting that sounds so educated is the same sort of babble that the sovereign citizen movement, or other pseudolaw groups toss out. It imitates learning while being ignorance.
