Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Pointing Out Your Own Bad Storytelling Is The Lowest Form Of Postmodernism.

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because fruit bat.

 After the horrors of the late Solomon Grundy, I do wonder what hideous thing Ian is going to look like, because well, that's what Muir draws now.

I mean, Mia looks like Cousin It in the last panel.


  1. Yeah, having a plot device first requires a decent plot. Maybe it'll turn out to be Jack's long-lost twin brother. That way Muir can continue tracing his old pictures of Jack instead of coming up with a new character.

    I still suspect, though, that it will turn out to be some much older guy, so that all the old guys in the peanut gallery can vicariously live out their fantasies of being with a teenage girl.

    1. Meanwhile, Mia looks like a Muppet.
      Which, despite the awesomeness of the Muppets, is very much not a compliment.

    2. Yeah, kind of an insult to the Muppets in this case. And why are they always chewing their nails/hands?

    3. Hey, I'm very fond of the Addams Family. As for the hands, that's likely an attempt to avoid drawing them.

    4. True. Muir is like a precursor to AI in that way--can't handle hands.
