Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Sitcom From Hell Lumbers On.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Dennis Moore, etc.

The worst part about these slice of life "gag-a-day" strips is they underline what an unlikable bunch of shits the cast is, and how the strip treats being a redneck as a glorious sign of superiority.


  1. It really does draw attention to itself just how utterly unlikable these people are.
    It says something to me that in DBD's pre-insanity era, the cast (except maybe Damon), had a certain goofy charm at times. But now?

    The change is most pronounced in Sam, I think, through whom it seems Muir used to express his most human-like thoughts. But that version of Sam --- and, I suppose, Muir himself --- evaporated during the Obama era, and what's been left exposed underneath, is a cruel, sneering malevolence.

    1. I think most of the cast now lives in the area that Damon started out in, Smug Right-Wingers whose smugness is a demonstration of how right they are, with Sam having gone further than anyone. In the early days, Sam and Zed would have the occasional 'just a couple of office schmoes' strips that were the only halfway decent ones that ever happened. But they'd also usually be Damon style Smug Right-wingers, just not so much. Jan was the Straw Leftist--and as I noted, until she got involved in her relationship with Damon and then race-lifted as Hispanic, she was more Annoying White Girl Coffee House Patron than anything sort of detailed critique. (Muir's leftist caricatures have gotten more malevolent as the years go on.) She also was not infrequently absolutely correct but written as being just wrong, which made her strangely sympathetic. That's gone now. The main cast is the hivemind, here to pronounce Muir absolutely correct.
