Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Their Arrogant, Ignorant Bigotry Is PROOF Of How Great They Are.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I don't know what I'm doing, but I gotta get things done, son.

The worst part of the hivemind is how much it celebrates its own awfulness.


  1. Ah yes, the wonderful values she taught her kid, like an unhealthy obsession with guns and ammo.

    1. And genocide.
      Though in fairness that's mostly coming from her father.
      So far.

  2. It's just hard to get inside the headspace of people who are so determinedly anti-science. The nonsense of the "72 genders" canard aside (which I can't help noticing seems to be a snide echo of the "72 virgins" Islamic terrorists supposedly think will await them), current understandings of biology and medical science posit that both human sexuality and gender exist on a wide spectrum.
    Why people have decided they don't want to believe this, and dedicate so very MUCH of themselves to not believing it, is not something I'll ever be able to internalize.
