Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Like A Dog To Its Vomit.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Heathcliff, it's me, I'm Cathy, I've come home now, so cold, let me in.

He just can't help it. Time after time, Muir depicts his little ramshackle rebellion as completely overpowering government agents. Because the fantasy is a coward's fantasy, a fascist's fantasy--that you have the irresistible force of the Volk behind you, and that is the source of your power, and the source of your righteousness. 


  1. I see that the "constitutional Sheriff" fairy tale is making its appearance here as well. (Probably not for the first time, I just might not have noticed it before.) And the all-powerful Sheriff gets to deputize the entire town, too. In the same fantasyland in which these people got to secede from the country, I guess.

    1. I put it in the 'This is an Admiralty Court' category for a reason. Muir has shot out the 'local government is Akshully the HIGHER authority' bullshit before, despite that, no, no, the Constitution literally says the exact opposite, the Supremacy Clause is a thing, people.
