Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Same Strip As Yesterday.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because sixty second interval.

There is something so pathetic, on so many levels, when Muir goes on one of these witless, bigoted tangents and tosses out essentially the same strip for a few days.


  1. Oldarmourer's comment is peak Peanut Gallery --- toss out some completely evidence-free assertion, and react to it as if they didn't just make it up themselves.
    I don't know whether, if pressed, he'd actually believe this is LITERALLY true, but given this crowd it wouldn't be much of a stretch.

    1. It's not a stretch at all. I have seen this sooo often...someone in the peanut gallery will tell a fictional tale which has nothing to do with the reality of the news story which is the topic...and then everyone will get angry about the made-up story, as if it was really happening. Maybe they just enjoy riling each other up.

    2. "People enjoying riling each other up" is pretty much the ultimate, distilled, core description of what all right-wing politics in the US has become.

  2. I'm amazed at how many people in the peanut gallery seem to think that enjoying drag shows as a hobby somehow impairs your ability to fly planes or run an airline. I know I shouldn't be amazed, but sometimes the lack of logic in this crowd still stumps me.

    1. Because drag shows are...degenerate, I guess? ... And degenerates can't concentrate on safety and manufacturing standards because they're too busy being degenerate?

      It overlaps with how these people just unthinkingly assume --- the same way we assume we'll get wet if we step out into the rain --- that DEI and other such efforts are mutually exclusive with any sort of meritocracy, standards or qualifications.That's just self-evident, self-explanatory.

    2. There's also the dim confusion between drag and transsexualism, which may have some overlap, but aren't the same thing. But as you note, the idea is that anything that isn't cishet is inferior in any and all ways.

  3. Huh! Total coincidence. I was skimming through the Doonesbury backlog a bit, and happened to stumble on some commenters mentioning Day By Day.

    1. Heh. Unsurprisingly, the commentary is not flattering....
