Monday, February 26, 2024

The Sheer Nazi Chutzpah Of It Invokes The Howler Monkey Face.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Legacy from Sorn Fen.

A reminder that the sisters are awful in every single way. But especially in their politics.


  1. Skye in that first panel. My god.

    Even if Muir is unable to see how grotesque his faces are becoming, how are his readers not able to? LOOK at that thing. I'm not being glib --- it really looks like it's supposed to be something you'd see in a horror story. In fact, it reminds me a little of Al Columbia's comics. (Highly recommended, but be prepared for copious weirdness and grotesqueness.)

    1. Again, they're very good at convincing themselves shit is gold.
