Saturday, February 10, 2024

You've Literally Been Insisting That He's A Senile Puppet, Muir.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because raspberry.

A reminder that she is leading a secession attempt, but no, somehow they have to be trying a bogus January 6th charge, because nothing illegal the cast does counts.


  1. This is a pretty good encapsulation of the modern American right-wing generally. They will invent some premise completely out of thin air, and go on to react to it and base all their analyses/plans on it from that point forward.

    In this case, it's the premise that the feds are simply falsely accusing anyone they don't like of being at the Capitol on 1/6. Going by the way they're talking about it, they seem to really believe this is happening, or at minimum that it's a thing that COULD happen.

    Interesting side note, though. I continue to be astonished at how the right have all, without exception, VICIOUSLY turned on George W. Bush and condemned him and many of his administration's actions, particularly the Iraq invasion/occupation, to the depths of hell.

    MadCat blasts the Patriot Act in passing here, and I've seen similar comments on DBD and elsewhere. These very same people called the rest of us traitors and terrorist sympathizers for YEARS because of our objections to that law. Likewise for the Iraq war itself. It really is stunning how virtually nobody, anywhere, in politics or outside it, dares to defend it anymore.

    Yet. Did any of us ever get an apology?
    No. We did not.

    1. This has been a particularly surreal strip to read, as I've been listening to an excellent podcast about Jan 6th recently, and it's been a good reminder of how meticulous the justice system was about making sure the charges for the insurrectionists were appropriate and evidence-based, so they could stick...and how much evidence there was, since the dopes were proudly filming themselves while they were doing their criming.

      Muir's idea that people who were miles away are somehow getting picked up for their "thought crimes" is, as always, a news broadcast from a different planet.
