Friday, March 8, 2024

Clearly Mass Murder And Political Purges Are The Answer!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Sand Sister.

The greatest irony here is that Muir is at this point an actual member of a group of political interlopers who have worked to crawl into power to subvert the nation. But like every fascist, he thinks he and his have an inherent right to power, and always represent the true will of the people. Or at least, the real people.


  1. What strikes me about Muir, and many other reactionaries of his general type, is that when it comes down to it, I really can't get a handle on what it is they actually WANT.
    Like you often note, Muir has decided that the common, salt-of-the-earth rural folk represent the true will of "the people". But what does that "will" actually entail? What do these good salt-of-the-earth want their elected representatives to actually DO for them?

    In 2016 I started to read the novel "Victoria" by that lunatic William Lind. (I tried to finish it recently but it's no longer free online and I'm not paying money for it.) What struck me about it is that the hero and his allies start their violent uprising and rebellion against the US government over....virtually nothing. The things that spark their revolt are so incredibly trivial that you almost swear you're missing something. They basically fall under the broad category of "woke", even though Lind doesn't use that term.

    Muir and his persistently vague grievances remind me of that. At the end of the day I don't know what this guy WANTS. I certainly know all the imaginary things he DOESN'T want, but beyond that it almost feels similar to the joke of how even the four main characters didn't seem to know what their old company actually made ---- except here Muir apparently believes it's all self-explanatory.

    1. One thing I thought about noting in the entry but decided against was that Muir doesn't really clarify just what the 'this' that it has come to is. Now, we get a decent idea what he means--Muir having to live in a world where his bigotries and prejudices are not actively catered to and in fact occasionally face pushback. But it's still kept vague, in part because, well, Muir's complaints are vague. Muir seems at time mortally offended to live in a world which doesn't cater to his every whim, and he blames a vaguely understood batch of leftists for this, which helps create the incoherence.

      Of course, the other thing is that like most fascists, Muir's desires are well, muddled and incoherent. He likes to imagine himself as a hard man being oppressed by a soft world, but he's fundamentally a self-indulgent personality, so you go back and forth from yelling about degeneracy to worrying the libs might destroy his porn.

    2. I always get the sense that what Muir and his followers really want is the violence itself. They love the guns. They love the fantasy of shooting down their enemies in a blaze of glory. Everything else is just an excuse for that, which is why the reasons often seem so extremely flimsy, like some imagined "wokeness"...or women with body piercings...or drag queens supposedly infiltrating an elementary school somewhere. This is the scariest part of it for me. They are raring to go and looking for a reason. They don't know what they want themselves, in terms of their vision for a society, and it doesn't matter. They want the bloodshed.

    3. They're enthralled with the idea of violence, but in that idea is the notion that they will always win and win easily. Thus the messy reality tends to terrify them.

    4. Eurobrat: I've mentioned a few times that a figure who I am morbidly fascinated by, even more than Chris Muir, is Kurt Schlichter. His supercilious malevolence and razor-sharp talent for cutting, vicious, sarcastic insults (he can pack four or five into a single sentence) genuinely makes onetime Ann Coulter look like a pathetic amateur.

      But the reason I bring him up here is because he very, very, VERY obviously relishes the idea of gunning people like us down in the streets, and in as gory a manner as possible, at that. Nobody who writes the kind of bloody massacres he does, with that kind of pornographically gory detail, does not do so out of a desire to actually be carrying out such executions in real life. He has devoted no fewer than eight entire novels to his hero protagonist mass slaughtering "marxists" and "leftists" at will, and constantly writes professionally about how much he doesn't WANT a civil war but if the libs INSIST on having one than he and his Normal Americans would absolutely win, and here are the ways they would do it.

      Fucking psychotic scumbag.

    5. Yikes. And yes, that is what the peanut gallery sounds like all the time! Goodness gracious, they would never wish for a civil war, but since the libtards are FORCING them into it, they will just have to (insert disgusting detailed violent fantasy here).

      Much like I can't look away from the trainwreck that is Muir's work, I can feel the temptation to seek out this Kurt Schlichter guy...but it's probably better for my mental health if I don't.

    6. He's a regular senior writer for TownHall, in addition to his series of novels (which he seems to plug in almost every column, not joking). Like I said, he makes Ann Coulter look like a rank amateur in terms of inventive, clever ways to say vile, vicious things about other people. It's a genuine talent, albeit a vile one, the same way Chris Muir has a genuine talent for puns, double meanings and wordplay, put into the service of a vile worldview.

      And even Coulter could never match Schlichter in the superciliousness department. In his world it is straightforward fact that Democrats and progressives are stupid, incompetent, weak, simpering, insane, violent, bloodthirsty, tyrannical psychopaths who want "you and me" dead. He constantly repeats his. "They don't just hate you and me. They want us dead. Do not for a minute be naive enough to doubt this."

      And his puerility is outmatched perhaps only by Trump, though unlike Trump he is actually intelligent. He never refers to Hillary Clinton by any moniker other than "Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit" and rarely refers to Biden as anything other than "Grandpa Badfinger" --- when he's not describing him as "a desiccated old pervert" who "walks around the White House in an open bathrobe".

      I've barely provided a microscopic taste.
      What can I say. I make no bones about it----I am morbidly fascinated by the man in a way I've rarely been with any other person. Not even Trump himself has this effect on me. Schlichter is just a unique flavor of horrible.

    7. Oh, blechhh. Pretty sure I don't have the stomach for that. But I can understand the morbid fascination with horrible--after all, I'm still here, reading DBD.
