Sunday, March 3, 2024

Muir Calls Libs Silly Babies Again.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Spider Silk.

Won't lie, I saw the "Senile Biden" joke coming after panel 3.

The pregnancy fetish panels and the garbled second hand retreads of misunderstood academic theory painted as degenerate progressive politics weren't quite as inevitable but were looking pretty likely.


  1. Has Muir ever, even back during his pre-insanity days, engaged with any actual, tangible, real-life progressive policy? It's possible, but I can't recall any instances. It certainly hasn't happened within at least the past decade.

    It's long been a fantasy of mine that the likes of Muir and his readers could somehow, some way, be forced to discuss political issues with Sam Seder, Emma Vigeland or the late Michael Brooks. I cite them because they are not only remarkably well-versed in policy but also in politics itself.

    I cannot imagine how Muir or his readers would process such a conversation. Within five minutes, they would likely be completely lost. Of course they would keep throwing wrenches in the gears by mentioning their CCP conspiracy theories and all their other fever-dream fantasies, but they'd look increasingly bizarre doing so.

    1. Muir doesn't know because he doesn't want to. All he wants is constant reaffirmation that he is right and brave and mature, and whatever crazyass thing he believes is proof of this, even if it contradicts the crazyass thing he believed last week.
      Maturity by assertion, instead of action.
