Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Attempt At Charm Is What Seals In The Awfulness.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Flight of Vengeance.

Muir thinks Zed and Sam are likable, and this repertoire is witty and sexy.

Just stare at the failure and move on.


  1. Your commentary made me laugh out loud. Thank you for that.

  2. Sam and the other women continue to get uglier and uglier, as Muir keeps swapping out the remaining stock faces that were somewhat appealing for new ones that just seem to keep growing more and more grotesque. And this one isn't even one of the worst by a long shot.

    With the men, it's not as noticeable, since Zed usually only has one expression to speak of regardless of which stock face is being used, and Damon is never seen without his shades.

    Oh, wait. Did I say the grotesqueness was less noticeable in the men? I forgot the late Jack "Solomon Grundy" Cates.

    1. Also, semi-gelatinous Damon--the shades may avoid some things, but Muir fucks with his bone structure and poses something awful.
