Tuesday, March 12, 2024

True Individualism Is Relentlessly Othering Your Designated Foes And Believing Every Bullshit Rumor You Read.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ware Hawk.

Muir's gone from his old Bizarro-Marxist quasi-libertarian views, to a fascist view that dresses up as the old one, so that the words "collectivism" and "individualism" no longer have any real meaning. Which isn't quite as far as you'd think, but it does show you how he continues to become more and more what he was at the bottom of him.


  1. Muir's trajectory directly parallels that of American conservatism more broadly.

    That's the reason I believe, ultimately, that DBD has genuine value. It is a dissertation paper, a scholarly essay, right there, just waiting to be written, on how one man's self-documented descent into insanity has directly paralleled that of what was once a recognizably normal political faction/movement.

    Seriously, I wish someone would write it.

    Incidentally, grown adults really should be absolutely mortified to be going around using the word "Marxist" like this.

    1. Muir's often been a canary in the coal mine on things.

    2. More like a ragged, squawking turkey vulture.
      (Yes, I am very mature.)
