Tuesday, July 9, 2024

For A Certain Value Of "Winning" And "Worldwide".

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Kamen Rider Den-O.

Muir crows triumphantly about Giorgia Meloni, head of the Fascist-descended Brothers of Italy--who most assuredly is Prime Minister of Italy--and Geert Wilders, whose party is part of the ruling coalition in the Netherlands, and the significantly less successful Marine Le Pen, who just watched her party's chances of controlling the French legislature go up in smoke, and Nigel Farage, who has finally entered Parliament on his eighth try, heading a party with five MPs including himself. 

That party is part of the opposition to the new Labour government with a massive majority. So, yes, Muir is declaring the Right victorious worldwide using very broad definitions of victory.


  1. "Daddy, why do they call 'em the right?"

    Great end result of all that homeschooling there, Zed.

    1. Ah well. Her main purpose is to pop out babies for the new Reich, anyway.

    2. On top of which, they can't be cleverer than their parents. That would suggest that Zed and Sam might have to learn things themselves.
