Friday, July 12, 2024

Who Exactly Is She Supposed To Be Stripping For?

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Kamen Rider G.

The begging bowl gets weirder and more awful every year.


  1. If a creator I followed kept begging in this pushy a manner, with the characters themselves whining and complaining about the slow going, I'd not only resent it, but I'd have long ago left an exasperated comment asking if they've ever heard of freaking Patreon or Ko-Fi.

    The fact that nobody in the Peanut Gallery seems to know about those either is....well, it's something.

    1. Oh, God, yes. It's astonishing how Muir and the Peanut Gallery seemed to have just frozen at the early Double-Aught Internet and just... stopped there, for some reason.

    2. In more ways than one, now that I think about it. I could be wrong but it seems to me that these guys still get much of their "news" from old-school blogs. (Like....uh...this one.) They don't seem to be on social media much. They love Elon Musk but they don't seem to be on ....sigh...."X". (Muir is, but he doesn't do much there.)

      I imagine the right-wing blogosphere is whittled down into a fraction of what it was twenty years ago, as the left-wing one is. But these guys still keep certain remaining ones very much engaged.

      I still faithfully read Hullabaloo every day, as I have for the past nineteen years. But even she fully acknowledges the increasing novelty of her "creaky old blog".

    3. I fully admit to be a strange fossil of bygone age, keeping on more out of habit than anything.

  2. (Also, Storm Shearer gets the painful irony prize for today.

    ".....So the entire paper becomes an editorial page, but without any clear distinction on what is opinion and what is not."

    That LITERALLY describes all the Sinclair-owned TV stations across the country.)

  3. This seems to be another one of those meta things where she's stripping for the readers.

    And yes, it's pretty awful.

    1. Oh, I know, it's just... DbD's entire sense of reality seems exceptionally fragile these days.
