Thursday, July 11, 2024

Muir Remembers Skye Is Doing That News Thing.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Kamen Rider Decade.

The thing that gets quietly lost in Muir's triumphalism is this actually undermines his entire 'Biden is just a puppet of the REAL interests' conspiracy, as well, none of what's happening actually fits that outline. But hey, everyone is now declaring Biden too old, finally, so he'll just crow he was right and ignore reality. Muir's pretty used to that, at this point.


  1. Today's Peanut Gallery WTF Award goes to Oldarmourer:

    I’m beginning to think bye-then is screwing things up deliberately so he can retire early…he has to be…introducing the President of Ukraine to NATO as…’President Putin’…that HAD to be deliberate.

    I mean...if Biden wanted to retire early he doesn't have to come up with some elaborate plan...he could have just not run for re-election. But based on these people's comments, he is somehow in thrall to Obama and the Clintons and forced to run, so then there has to be a conspiracy theory about why he's messing up and might leave the race.

    When I try to think the way this bunch does, my head hurts.

    1. It's quite similar to the reason why Muir went from elated to paranoid and depressed so quickly after Trump's election. His understanding of the world has become so warped, that he's incapable of realistic expectations. If Trump isn't producing the promised fascist utopia, it must be a sinister plot.

    2. In a limited way, it WAS a plot --- all the adults in the room that kept Trump from doing the most batshit insane things that popped into his head. Like nuking hurricanes. Or shooting migrants at the border. Or invading Mexico. Or launching rockets at North Korea.

      The question is, does Muir really, truly want to live in a reality where the president can nuke a hurricane? Where that's just a thing that the President of the United States does?
      And does he want to live in a reality where we're suddenly at war with our immediate neighbor to the south?

      Your comments about how Muir quickly went from elation to depression so quickly in 2017 rekindles my ongoing confusion about what he and his ilk even want to see happen. What would he have had to see happen during the Trump term that would keep him pleased? A steady stream of Latin American wretches being arrested, imprisoned and deported? The whole four years? What else? The national parks and reservations given back to the states so they can get carved up by developers and oil companies?

      Could HE even answer this?

    3. @Eurobrat: This. Trying to imagine waking up in their reality every day, living in the world they live in, is beyond where my imagination is able to go.

      I tend to be on the paranoid side in daily normal life, as in "Are they laughing at me over there?" or "Shoot -- is she angry at me about something?" or "Oh no, did I say the wrong thing?"

      But their brand of paranoia exists in some other realm that I've never been within fifty million light years of. They view the world with such palpable terror. Everyone wants what they have. Everyone is out to GET them. Everyone is out to DESTROY them.

      It has to be absolutely exhausting to live in their world.

    4. Exactly. Trying to imagine it is exhausting for me too. And I'm also a person who is paranoid and pessimistic about all kinds of things, including politics...especially politics, come to think of it. And yet theirs is a whole different level of paranoia. I'm always stumped by their vision of what we left-leaning people are supposedly all about...I can't fathom going through life wanting to destroy everything the MAGA people are about, wanting to kill them or imprison them all. Why would I? That would be such a weird, miserable thing to focus my life on.

      As far as what Muir and his followers would want from a Trump presidency...judging from their comments, daily public executions of the undesirables? That fantasy seems to be the one they really get their jollies from.
