Saturday, July 13, 2024

He's Going To Be Putting ((())) Around That List Of Names One Of These Days...

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Kamen Rider W.

As unpleasant as all this is, we all know it's going to get so much worse tomorrow.

But we'll cross that bridge when we get there.


  1. Putting aside how petrified I am that this seals Trump's victory and our fate....

    I know this is about the following strip but I have been unable to substantiate Muir's claim about "#wemissedhim". Either I'm not looking in the right places, which is possible, or Muir is once again regurgitating every awful lie he hears without any checking.

    1. I suspect the latter. There's a lot of nonsense in that strip.

    2. I came here to talk exactly about that...I follow a lot of left-leaning social media and they are NOT doing postings of "we missed him" Have some people made unpleasant and tactless jokes about what they would have preferred to see happen--sure. But most have expressed how terrible political violence is for the country and how it shouldn't happen (and yes, we know that the MAGA readers of DBD don't hold that opinion themselves) And there is absolutely no "we on the left tried but missed" stuff. So, unsurprisingly--Muir is once again making shit up.

    3. As I thought. If neither of us has found anything it almost certainly is bogus --- though I do have to wonder why we aren't picking up the source of the lie itself. Muir got this from somewhere, so why can't we find what he's seeing? I mentioned recently that Google, in my experience, seems to not be finding pages from independent blogs the way it used to. Whatever the reason for that, I suspect it's why we can't find anything.
