Thursday, November 10, 2022

He Seems Tired.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because keep on skankin'.

There's a general sense of exhaustion in these two strips, even in the creepy, dull sex comedy one. And why not? Muir has spent the last decade drifting off into loopier and loopier spheres, convincing himself that he was witnessing epic battles that weren't happening and turning incompetent fascists into heroes in his own mind. Believing all this takes a certain amount of effort, and after ten years of it, you can see things starting to give way, even if Muir completely lacks the self-awareness to admit he might be wrong. There's a sort of tacit admission in there that Trump was a weak vessel, even if Muir has to convince himself that he was awesome and good. I've no doubt he'll go on speaking the words, but the burnout is becoming obvious. This is what happens when the Messiah not only fails, but keeps failing. The true believers can never give up believing, but it's a hollow belief that knows it's lying to itself.


  1. It's taken me a while to fully catch on to this, but in the reality the peanut gallery inhabits, the election cheating and rigging were a collaboration between the Dems AND the GOP.

    The "Uniparty" narrative has of course been an article of faith or theirs for a long time, but it didn't sink in that they believe the Republican establishment is part of the great Steal.

    They are, SO loony.

    1. Yup. According to them, it's all kabuki. It's classic ignorant cynicism, not the opposite of naivete, but naivete that's curdled.

    2. And they think Donald will be their "third party." Sure....
