Saturday, November 19, 2022

Muir Praises The Gun And Bashes The Vaccine, Because Of Course He Does.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because love is the drug that I'm looking for.

I'll pass by the same old topics--save to note that Muir has shown more panic about the vaccine than he ever did about Covid--to note that we have now had these two morons yak at each other for an entire week of strips.

And they've been terrible strips the entire time.


  1. So...Kiko's suddenly transitioned from talking like a 1930s comic-strip preteen to talking like a backwoods southern bumpkin.


    1. Muir has to show that she is one of our Redneck Superiors somehow.

      Won't lie, I've written about it before, but the ongoing collapse of this strip has been down to the fundamental transformation of Muir's politics from a slick neocon covering of a reactionary center to his present... hmmm, let's call it 'trucknut fascism', it's as good a description as any. Early Muir was just as smug, racist and self-righteous, but the tone was that his characters were all people what did things unlike the dirty hippies, people with constructive jobs. But over the Obama era, the cast shifted to existing outside of society--with of course wish fulfillment macguffins and plot coupons to make certain they never suffered from this. Muir shifted from being certain that he and his were productive members of society--the only real productive members, he frequently indicated--to feeling that he and his were under attack from a decadent society that had to be torn down.
