Saturday, November 12, 2022

Real Men Never Show Emotion To Their Pretend Daughters.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because on a spiderweb.

It's a scene we've all seen before, done extra-creepy because Muir keeps writing her like she's seven while insisting she's 18.


  1. Hell no. This emotional sentimental shit is not going to fly. Not after this same "caring father" heartily cheered the mass slaughter of other families -- of fathers like him and daughters like his own. Spare us your manly tears of fatherly love, you sick psychopath. You think those people slaughtered in Christchurch didn't experience love? You think the family members they left behind weren't shedding tears? Fuck you. Jesus CHRIST, fuck you.

    Meanwhile, the peanut gallery trots out an impressive list of hits today, managing to fit in an intensity of Civil War revisionism that I've never really encountered before, a feverish conspiracy theory about a crypto company called FTX -- whose founder happened to be a prolific Democratic donor -- that just tanked under shady circumstances, breathless speculation about the apparent FBI raid of oddball Area 51 researcher Joerg Arnu, and (f course!!!!!) article-of-faith certainty that Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro also had HIS election stolen by hte same shadowy "left" that stole the GOP's.

    1. Especially as it's mixed with his toxic idea about fatherhood and relationships, where girls are owned by their fathers and then their husbands.

      And yeah, the crazy is fractal.
