Thursday, May 16, 2024

His Misogyny Will Protect Him.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ultraseven.

As we get another heaping helping of big-brained sexism, I note that the begging bowl is out a bit early this year.

I'm not shocked.


  1. Once again we are back to Muir's fantasy world, where the words "Quiet, woman!" somehow get you into every lady's pants, instead of getting you that well-deserved punch in the eye.

    1. Just the eye?

      You're a gentlewoman. I would have thought the throat, at least.

    2. We are in the Muirverse where all Real Women(tm) want a Strong Daddy.

  2. As idiosyncatic cartoonists who gradually mutated into misanthropic, misogynist lunatics go, it's hard to say who's more insane --- Muir or Dave Sim. But what both of them have in common is proclaiming certain ideas and concepts to be inherently "female", and therefore self-evidently destructive.

    I would like to be able to press Muir on the specific implications here. If diversity, equity and inclusion are "female values" that have brought "disaster", what, then, are the "male values" that are apparently their precise opposites?

    Homogeneity, inequity and exclusion?

    Well, that certainly seems to track with where the Peanut Gallery is.

    Incidentally, I continue to notice that Pamela and the other frequent lady reader whose name I forget don't seem to have been around in quite some time. I can't help wondering whether they've finally gotten fed up because of precisely this kind of thing.

    1. I suspect not, as well, they were always perfectly happy to join in the misogyny.

      And yes, clearly a racist, sexist, inequitable world will be better, because it just will, mumble, mumble "natural hierarchy" mumble.

    2. It's also kind of amazing to watch the Peanut Gallery cry and complain about how the woke DEI world is sooo discriminatory towards white men...while they happily imagine a world in which women would not be allowed to vote and would be relegated back to the kitchen. Of course that's not discriminatory at all!

    3. And even suggesting such a thing is our way of saying we want them all dead. Because our megalomania, ideological fanaticism, and uncontrollable narcissism demand that we snuff out and exterminate all "wrongthink", because we are the rightful overlords of all humanity and the peons must be brought to heel or else.

      These guys are just as over the top as Islamic jihadists. (Maybe it sounds less silly in Arabic, but it always amused me how cliches like "Death to the infidels!" sounded like lines from a bad 1970s superhero cartoon.)

    4. That is exactly how they imagine us to be! As much as we liberals always get accused of living in a bubble, how much of a bubble do they have to be in to think every left-leaning person is a crazy wanna-be dictatorial killer?
