Sunday, May 19, 2024

[Title Redacted, Because Strip Lost]

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ultraman Ace.

The strip that was originally here is gone replaced by Muir explaining how he's putting the begging bowl on pause.

Man, he genuinely seems to be struggling with keeping things running at the moment. This is twice in short succession we've seen the strip update... oddly. This was no great lost, it was, as I originally noted, yesterday's cartoon, but longer and more blatantly racist. But still... there's something unnerving about watching it blip in and out of existence in real time.


  1. It's back now.

    There's just so much to this one.

    I don't know what's wrong with me that I never stop being shocked by this stuff. I've been watching the American right since I was a kid in the late '90s and I still have the capacity to be shocked by their sheer awfulness as it gets worse and worse by the month.

    It is, as I've said, morbidly fascinating how people like Muir will essentially make something up out of their heads, and proceed from there to react to everything that happens based on that thing they made up.
    The right-media somehow managed to connect faulty manufacturing at Boeing with DEI (their new code word for "n****", let's keep it real), and now everything is "black people are allowed to build planes so now they're falling apart."

    Based on a connection they literally made up.

    It might as well have been armadillos, for all the sense it made.

    God, that second panel. People like Muir and his readers will look you straight in the eye and sneer that you're a dishonest bad-faith liar for telling them they're racist. And I think they're sincere. That's what's most amazing about it. (You might disagree --- we seem to differ regarding how self-aware this ilk is.)

    And of course, yet another reminder that Biden is owned by China, which manages to be even MORE made up out of thin air than the "DEI killed Boeing" thing (at least Boeing actually IS having manufacturing problems. What has actually happened in the real world to even faintly suggest THIS connection?).

    A maddening dynamic we're trapped in is that Trump has fostered all kinds of horrible, shady and probably illegal connection/dealings with various actors around the world, yet it gets almost no media or political traction and few people even know about any of it. But regardless, every one of these connections we know about has been reported by credible news organizations.
    Meanwhile, the "Biden is in China's pocket" thing has absolutely no corresponding real-life reinforcement that I know about, yet it would not surprise me if more people on the right knew about that than people on the left and center-left know about Trump's ACTUAL dealings.

    I'm so, so tired.

    1. As I noted in the original version... this is pretty much Saturday's strip, but longer, and with the racism overt. And as I noted on Saturday's strip... these days everything ties back to and proves Muir conspiracy to him, no matter how tortured the logic.
