Sunday, May 12, 2024

"I Am So Clever, To Desert My Country In Its Hour Of Need Because A Bunch Of Rednecks Tell Me To!"

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because ooo-eee-ooo.

It's fascinating how Muir's impulsive decision to turn Russian Guyovitch into a Ukrainian has wound up making him so utterly loathsome. And how much Muir has wound up just like the WWII homegrown-fascists who kept insisting that they knew the real score and how if only we'd listened to them, we could have avoided shedding all that blood beating the Nazis.


  1. The Ukrainian military aid is a kickback scheme. Because it just is.
    It will never stop amazing me how the Muir element will seize upon a lie, and that becomes the unshakeable, unbreakable foundation for everything to follow.

    Also --- I'm genuinely surprised that the "it was dark" line wasn't the lead-in to a racist crack about the officer that shot Babbitt.

    1. It's not only been his calling card for years, but it is, honestly just how his America First ideological ancestors operated. FDR is plotting to get us into war because he is corrupt and greedy. Because only a corrupt and greedy person would oppose fascist aggression.

  2. Huh. I thought Guyovitch was pretending to be Ukrainian, because he thinks it will get him better treatment from Blue City Cop. Another random change to the DBD universe, eh?

    1. You're not by any chance Chris Muir, are you? XD XD XD
      Because that sounds EXACTLY like something his nasty, cynical little mind would write.

    2. This one happened years ago. Guyovitch was introduced as Russian, then became Ukrainian after Euromaidan, because Muir liked the Ukrainians then, and hated Russia, but only by reflex.

    3. Oof...I think this might be a sign that I've been reading his stuff for way too long, and I need some serious detoxing...hahahaha
