Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Racism Is Totes The Best Way To Handle Politics!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ultraman Dyna.

This shows so much of Muir. His witless racism that he will stubbornly insist is not racism. His continued resentment of Obama and need to pretend that somehow, he doesn't count as a president. And most of all his ignorance of foreign politics, where events are filtered through the babble of other ignorant racists and fascists. Two men who have nothing in common politically are made into equivalents, based entirely on the fact that they are minorities in power in European countries with names Muir sees as funny and foreign to their nation, much like, well, Obama. I suspect if he'd written this a month from now, Rishi Sunak would be added to the list. 

Rishi Sunak, woke leftist. It boggles the mind.


  1. It does. Particularly when contrasted against the relative coherence and lucidity of his worldview twenty years ago. I never liked his conservative views then, but this stuff is just babbling lunacy now, coming from a place of genocidal malevolence.
    And I use that word deliberately. Sometimes I catch myself forgetting his reaction to the Christchurch massacre, which in honesty should define him completely, all by itself.

    1. I almost feel guilty on dwelling on a point that Muir hasn't made, at least not yet, but "Leo Varadkar, woke leftist' is only slightly less farcical, even if he did play a role in a pair of socially liberal accomplishments. And then there's how Yousef's term as First Minister was ended in part by ending an agreement with the Scottish Greens.
