Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Not Being Racist Means... Wait, I've Suddenly Got Deja Vu.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ultraman Taro.

You know, I find the story of how this strip blinked out of existence, and then blinked back more interesting than the strip itself, which is more of Muir's declaring that X is clearly the woke conspiracy at work, and proof of them at work, with a dash of racism. Muir's always been a bit of throwback, with these yearly fund drives in an era where multiple services exist that could handle this better. But now... it really seems he's running into problems. Let's see where it goes.


  1. I admit to having no frame of reference for any of these things, and don't even know what "back-end" means. (I have heard of the job title "back-end manager", but I dunno what their responsibilities are.) So I don't have the ability to surmise what kinds of problems Muir might be having with the fundraising infrastructure he uses.
    What I do know is that Patreon and Ko-Fi are right freaking there, and there's no indication he even knows they exist.

    1. Among others. I really think a lot of this is the combination of Muir's paranoia, isolation, and general hostility to new things causing him to ignore an obvious solution to instead focus on a crazy cobbled-together one that barely works, and which is fellow nutters tell is proof of how he's avoiding the Beast.

    2. I kinda got the same impression, actually. It looked like at the highest tier, all you got was more of those pin-up pens. Which...I realize that the readers of the strip love the nekkid girls, but it's still just a pen.

    3. While I didn't look to closely at things, I believe the idea is that tiers are supposed to be cumulative--you get the lower tier gifts and benefits at higher tiers in addition to the ones granted specifically by that tier. Though Muir botching that wouldn't surprise me.
