Friday, May 3, 2024

"Man, It's Just Like It Says In 'The Protocols'!"

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because keep on the sunny side, the sunny side.


This is as much a highlight of Muir's utter pliability as his awfulness--this is the argument going on in those spaces, and Muir has swallowed it whole, because, well, that's what he is now.


  1. This is one of those rare moments where the left and the far right converge on the same position, though of course the latter are often motivated either by fundamentalist Christian end-times prophesies, or by the ugliness Muir has decided to let out of the bag here.

    This bill is appalling, deeply alarming, and --- along with the anti-BDS laws in many states --- all but an open admission that Israel has this country by the balls. I despise having to be associated in any way with that grotesque, murderous government, and reactions like Muir's are precisely the reason why it disgusts me that lobbies like AIPAC go out of their way to validate the worst anti-Semitic tropes going back centuries. Those ghouls don't care how much damage they do to those of us throughout the Diaspora who are left vulnerable by this shit, as long as they get what they want. Which, by the goddamned way, is making the entire world more dangerous for us, most of all in Israel itself.

    Jesus, I despise these people. They hand those like Muir all the excuse they need on a silver platter to indulge their worst paranoid suspicions. Muir did get a bit of pushback from some here, but of course he's not feeling that.

    We are watching Joe Biden sabotage his own reelection chances, knowing full well what it will mean if Trump wins. But so palpable is his and the rest of the establishment's commitment to enabling Israel, that to him it is apparently WORTH it. It's beyond comprehension.
    And there's nothing to be done but stand there and watch with horror as thousands of Gazans are slaughtered, "my people" are freshly viewed with deep suspicion and hatred, and our ostensibly non-fascist government chooses genocide enabling over all else, ***including its own survival.***

    How is any of this even possible?

    1. Totally agreeing with all of that, and I feel you on the bleak despair as we hurtle towards a possible Trump re-election with an assist from all this stuff. Ugh. As far as Muir goes, it's another case of when someone tells you who they are, believe them. He COULD talk about opposing this bill for reasons like free speech (which he later claims in the comments is the case) but his first knee-jerk response is to go to "the Jews!!!!" Of course, Muir doesn't actually believe in free speech for anyone except his team, so there is that.
