Saturday, May 25, 2024

So... That's It?

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ultraman: Towards the Future.

Man, I know I said the bad guys only exist to be effortlessly defeated, but this one... it doesn't even work by the logic of the strip. The Evil Conspiracy is using immigrants, except it can't be bothered to actually do something with them, so the good guys can easily turn them into an obstacle for the Conspiracy. Because their opponents are strong yet weak, and immigrants aren't even sentient.


  1. I don't know what's more grotesque --- the brutish dehumanization of the nameless brown masses (who as you put it, aren't sentient), or.........Naomi's face.
    Good CHRIST in HEAVEN, Naomi's face.

    That horrifying visage makes even the worst of the howler monkey or shark faces look pleasant.
    It's like if someone took Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors and put eyes on her, except I think this is even more gruesome than that.

    1. Every time we think Muir's reached a steady state of awful, he experiments and produces an even more hideous travesty of a facial expression.

  2. One of the saddest things for me about this one is the comment from the guy in the Peanut Gallery talking about how he lives in a boring suburb in Utah, so this supposed migrant invasion hasn't affected him yet, but he's ready just in case--carries everywhere, "head on a swivel" etc.

    I mean, I realize I shouldn't feel bad for him, but how sad must it be to live in this constant state of paranoia? This is what Fox News fearmongering and stuff like DBD does to people...

    1. Yep, can confirm that I am in the same exhausted place. Especially since I help in organizing local left-leaning events...since Trumpism came onto the scene, we are even more concerned about security and the possibility of exactly this kind of paranoid nutjob showing up to do damage. One of the reasons why I think it's important to check the pulse of discussion forums like the DBD comments, although it also makes me angry and depressed.

    2. They in essence want their lives to be an epic struggle without actually doing anything to make it so. It's fundamentally an addictive process, and like every addict, they have to keep upping the dose.
