Monday, May 6, 2024

Hur Hur. Dey Not Real Muricans.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Indoor Football League.

Because Muir's turning on Israel doesn't mean he supports protesting their actions. After all, that's being done by non-rednecks, and is thus evil.


  1. As usual, the panel-one pronouncements are where most of the bullshit is found. "Hired" is of course your standard right-wing lie, and "restaurant-quality" is just ignorant blathering.

  2. For God's sake, the quote in the first panel was a PARODY Tweet someone posted. That was never a request from the students--it was someone making fun of them. He thinks he's so smart, but Muir sure is falling for the bullshit.

    1. Oh, fuckballs. I didn't even know that.

      DBD got started just as the blog era was really taking off, and it was pretty early on that he started getting most of his news from conservative "citizen journalists". Over the past 22 years, even as most people have abandoned old-school blogging, these fringe types have become exponentially more insane, and people like Muir have followed them every step of the way.

    2. To be fair, Muir does acknowledge it might be a parody, but then notes he can't be sure if it is or not. What he fails to see is this tells us everything about him and nothing about the people he's dismissing.
