Saturday, June 15, 2024

Clearly She Can Do This.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ultraman Z.

You know, it's the levels of wrongness that gets you. The elaborate plan with nonsense steps for something that should be simple. Sam, a freaking mayor, being treated as if she is the head of a sovereign state. The 'ha ha, the government drones know the end is coming' triumphalism. All coming together for this one epic amount of crazyfail.


  1. I need to do a better job remembering that "crazyfail" is a term.
    It also took me way too long to remember "ragequit".

  2. "the elaborate plan with nonsense steps" -- I particularly like that in Muir's world, even OSHA is part of the evil deep state conspiracy theory. Freakin' OSHA.

    1. That doesn't surprise me, honestly. His brand of crank is so freaking crazy that they've lost the ability to view ANY government agency fulfilling ANY kind of responsibility for public health or safety as totalitarian overreach and part of a sinister agenda of CONTROL.

      It ties back into the quandary I keep puzzling over regarding the question of what Muir and his ilk actually WANT. In this case, as in do they WANT, as citizens of their nation, to be more vulnerable to workplace hazards? I mean, you'd have to be a complete ideological lunatic to actually come out and say it like that, but effectively that's the world these people want to live in. So fanatically committed are they to the ideal of "limited government" that they'd rather die a million unnecessary deaths in order to "live free" regulations. Because safety regulations are the work of Marxists who --- remember --- want all us peons enslaved or exterminated.

      God, they're so bananas.

    2. *meant to say "lost the ability to anything OTHER than totalitarian overreach"

    3. Muir would doubtless tell you that we don't actually NEED safety regulations, that companies can handle it themselves, that only idiots die from these things. That's his 'libertarian' style bullshit. And he'll likewise tell you the only REAL reason OSHA exists is for sinister purposes like the ones he's outlined. That's his 'deep down authoritarian' style bullshit, the man who can only imagine one use for government, and that's to oppress those you don't like. And if that sounds unfair--well, what the hell does Gunpowder do as a "state"? Everything we see them use their power for is to persecute those who aren't in line.

      Once again, the projection is total. Everyone HAS to want to run things the way they do. It's just that their enemies are impure and evil, and thus want bad things on top of it.

    4. Your explanations are both spot on. I just have to shake my head at the idea that falling victim to a severe injury at work and spending the rest of your life with a disability is...the ultimate in liberty! Okay, then....
