Sunday, June 9, 2024

The 'Wimmen!' Strips Are Getting Weird.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ultraman Ginga S.

"Women are emotional and irrational" he said, as he denied science and based his decisions completely on his feelings. "They lack toughness," he muttered, as he cowardly cried to abandon allies to fascism.  "They lack the keen minds of men," he added, as he repeated arguments he had been spoonfed by others.


  1. Every time the Peanut Gallery starts talking about who they think should have voting rights and who shouldn't, the part they definitely all seem to agree on is that property owners are at the top of the list, because they have "skin in the game".

    Honestly, even more than the racism, misogyny and all the rest of it, that one sentiment alone makes me want to punch all their lights out. It's one of the most obscene ideas I've ever seen pushed on right-wing forums.

    Fucking seriously. They think property owners and only property owners have "skin in the game". That ALONE is just about as repressive and anti-democratic as anything can get. (And these same fuckwits will call centrists and progressives the authoritarians who suppress the will of the people.)

    It matters not to them that the countless millions upon millions who own no property have to ALSO live in the country. But they shouldn't get a say in anything that happens or is done to them. Oh, no.

    Do these people view lack of property ownership as some kind of MORAL flaw? As mad as that sounds, they must. Especially since many of them also want you to lose your voting rights if you're on WELFARE.

    Every day I thank the God I don't believe in for not being like these blackhearted people.

    1. Let's go back to the early 19th century.

      The amusing thing is that these people obviously imagine they'd be among the privileged few, not seeing that once a wall gets put up again, it can easily be placed so that they're on the other side.

  2. Also, it seems a woman hath spoken up after many months of none being detected. This Nancy radiates "Pick me!" vibes. But then, how else can a wimmenz be part of this miserable club?

    1. "Hey guys, we're not ALL like those nasty, shrill feminists..."
