Wednesday, June 19, 2024

On The Latest Installment Of "Muir's Weird Fetishes"...

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ultraman Arc.


Yep. Definitely that time of year again.


  1. There is something so woefully pathetic about a right-wing guy filtering his worldview through the image of a naked chick brandishing guns.

    You're often able to articulate the "why" of these things with more clarity than I am. I have trouble finding the exact words. All I know is that for reasons I'm unable to precisely articulate, this stuff is as cringe as cringe can possibly get.

    1. At heart, this Muir's warped ideals of masculinity and femininity being proudly put on display and used to show even more of his insane gibberish. It's fundamentally pathetic, and it's being done with no awareness of this. Badly on top of it, which just adds to the cringe.
