Sunday, June 30, 2024

Muir Extols The Secret Redneck Elite.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Kamen Rider ZO.


You know, it says something that even Muir's cast acknowledges his bizarre fascist screed is a confusing mess of a metaphor.


  1. Yeah, this one's got me completely confused. I don't even get what Sam is trying to say...exploding sawdust...I give up.

    I will note that it's pretty rich for the strip to be spouting these made-up tales of blue states kidnapping Americans, when there are red states actively working on ways to prosecute women who cross state lines to get an abortion. Kangaroo courts, indeed.

    1. It's quite clear that Muir is stumbling on his need to blame the Left for everything and his need to portray conservative men as the mighty elite who cannot be resisted.

    2. Yeah, that "blue states kidnap Americans" thing --- that kind of wildly insane pronouncement has long been Muir's SOP, but those assertions get more and more insane by the month. I mean what in god's name could that possibly be referring to?

  2. I don't know which is worse --- Mari's face in the last panel looking almost rabid, or Sam's in panel two, where she just looks outright goofy.

    It's amazing how he gets worse and worse. The characters didn't used to look, by turns, grotesque, insane, or deformed.

    Or bear any unnerving resemblance to either howler monkeys or sharks.
