Saturday, June 1, 2024

Muir Taking A Break Whenever He Double-Publishes Is All Kind Of Annoying.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ultraman Cosmos.

And remember, when Muir imagined the evil Blue Staters doing this, it was the evilest form of authoritarianism. But that was them, doing it to his people. The other way is The Natural Order and Good. 

And it's also a good demonstration that Muir doesn't get how the Constitution works.


  1. Hey, Mr. John what ever happened to Castle Terribel.

    I feared that you poofed out of the internet.

    1. I reached a dead-end, and decided it was better not to leave a dead, incomplete story on the internet. Especially as it kept getting bots making comments in it.

      I have a great deal of affection for it--it was fun to write, and it sharpened my skills.
