Monday, June 24, 2024

The Important Thing Is Your Children Are Just Extensions Of You...

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Kamen Rider Stronger.

What gets you is how we are clearly supposed to approve of this hateful misogynistic response to what's supposed to be a happy event.


  1. How do Zed's daughters feel about the fact that he basically considers them to be the enemy?

    (Trick question, I suppose--it doesn't matter how they feel...about anything.)

    1. It parallels with how the few women in the Peanut Gallery endure a marked level of grossness, in order to reap the rewards of....being part of the Peanut Gallery. (I will note, not for the first time, that I haven't seen those two mainstays for quite a while now.)

      It's interesting how much more extreme Muir's gotten on this even since 2016, where he at least was still stressing the "it's the individual" line.

      (I was also hunting for one where Sam is bitching about why would any American men want to marry American women, and Zed replies "I didn't marry American women, I married YOU. And Damon married Jan", but I couldn't find it.)

    2. There was always a hint of misogyny in the strip under all the sexism but about a decade ago, Muir wandered off into the thickets of the MRA talking points, and he's never looked back.

    3. JLG, hadn't seen that one yet (there was a long pause during which I wasn't reading the strip). Interesting--not least because I got sucked into the rabbit hole of the peanut gallery comments and found out Polly Cy, the political science teacher, is a female reader! As far as I know, she is still around and comments occasionally.

      I also remember that strip right after Trump won in which Skye was being comforted about women still having agency...those days are probably gone, judging from the jokes about selling the kids.

    4. Yeah, Polly's one of the ones I was thinking of --- can't remember the name of the other atm --- who I don't think I've seen in quite a while.

      I've said it before but I stopped reading DBD almost completely in 2009-ish after a particular strip blew up any remaining benefit of the doubt I'd given to Muir as at all being a credible observer. Beyond occasionally glancing at it, I pretty much ignored it until something compelled me to really look at it again in 2015, and I was gobsmacked to see how the intervening six years had transformed Muir from a mere conservative jerk into a wild-eyed frothing lunatic.

    5. The one you are probably thinking of is Pam. She's been gone for quite a while. I'd like to think one of Muir's insults to women finally pushed her away, but considering the demographic reading the strip, it's more likely to be health issues.

      She has been replaced by Nancy, who is just as talented in the "pick me! pick me! I'm not like the other girls!" category.

    6. I can only nod solemnly as I have nothing to add. You said it all.

  2. Another time where I'm left open-mouthed in astonishment.
    That said, it does make you wonder why, if Muir feels this way --- which he obviously does --- does he keep having the characters birth daughters? Unlike Zed, he's actually in control of this.

    This joins the very short list of instances where Muir takes things so far that he actually gets a bit of pushback from the Peanut Gallery. It's always interesting when that happens.

    1. I think it's a combination of many of the daughters being "born" before Muir's misogyny shifted into 'hardcore MRA' levels, and his eternal desire of having more characters to ogle in the future.
