Friday, June 14, 2024

*Horror Movie Music Sting!*

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ultraman Taiga.

You know, Ronald Reagan's smug thoughtless witticism was bad enough as a lying dismissal of everything the New Deal and the Great Society accomplished. But to see it dragged onstage by modern fascists as some sort of self-proving article is a new low. These people are bad, because they are doing the thing that is bad!

Ignore the fact that Sam is also from the government. It's a different type of government, and so it doesn't count.


  1. And WHAT is that horrifying visage on the left? Muir just found a photo of some guy screaming and traced it, even though this government goon isn't saying anything, and therefore shouldn't have his gaping maw stretched open in some grotesque no-man's land between a scream of primal dominance and a maniacal evil laugh.

    1. Or the guy on the left whose face seems to be melting into suet and is taking his sunglasses with it? Or the center guy who looks like a wax figure who was moulded wrong? It's just terrible tracing all around.

    2. I will note that he's used screaming faces like this one before, and it's always for the black characters. There's an unfortunate pattern there....

    3. I didn't say it, but...yeah. Definitely noticed that, too.

    4. Yeah, it's a disturbing trend.
