Friday, June 21, 2024

Muir's A Freethinker Who Believes What He's Told.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Kamen Rider V3.

As we segue into yet another plot we don't care about, let us consider the steady dullness of Muir's buying every story and meme that he's handed by the Right Wing Noise Machine. 


  1. Muir once casually spoke of Biden as being publicly incontinent, so pretty much anything will get past his nonexistent filter. I have to wonder what, if anything, he could read or hear that would actually give him even a moment's pause. Biden stabbing a human child to death at a Hollywood fundraiser and trying to drink its blood but spilling it all over himself and having to be cleaned up by staffers?


    I can't even be 100 percent sure he wouldn't buy something like that.

    1. Oh, he pretty much believes in stuff like that already.

      As I noted, the constant 'Biden's pooping himself' stuff started on the Right with them convincing themselves that Trump was clearly going to dominate senile old Biden, and then when it didn't happen, that this meant that Joe was on medication to keep him sharp. And as such medication has incontinence as a side-effect...

      It's all very 'heads I win, tails you lose'. Biden not acting in a manner consistent with their conspiracy theory is proof of another conspiracy theory--while keeping the first running to boot.
