Sunday, June 2, 2024

Next, Mention The Fringe On The Flag.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ultraman Nexus.

There's something so quietly pathetic where Muir opens the strip with a lot of nonsense arguments that he's learnt second-hand, so you know that he's essentially having his characters quote his fellow nutters. Running through this is Muir's eternal belief that the Real Law has to be something that lets him and his do whatever they want. And the evil Left acting as if it doesn't work that way is more proof of their evil and corruption, denying this self-evident truth, and ALSO allows him to use the even more powerful Real Laws that let him do even more things that he wants to do to hurt them.

Which is totally not fascist, because youse the fascist for wanting to stop him.


  1. That is a perfect summary of DBD's hypocrisy about the use (and abuse) of power. The little detail that amuses me about this strip is the predictable stereotype of the Blue Stater with the pink hair and nose ring, and the peanut gallery naturally bashing this. These defenders of liberty sure seem triggered when someone chooses to have different hair color or facial piercings.

    1. Because anything that isn't how they like is clearly evil, weak and decadent. True liberty is to conform to the culture of the volk!

      It's easy to do stuff like this when you just use words wrong.
